Saturday, August 6, 2011

Popping in to Say Hello!

It's been some time since I've posted.
A lot of factors playing into it, like summer, gardening, mucho family time and the launch of Vegan News Magazine. If you haven't yet picked up a copy or heard of it, I suggest you go to the website for more information about this great publication. It's not only vegan (that's right not vegetarian, 'veg' in hopes of appealing to both vegans and vegetarians or not offending one or the other, but VEGAN) it's both Canadian and free!
Working on the magazine has taken up a big chunk of my time as the response to it has been bigger and faster than every anticipated. Hence the reason I've been away from blogging for so long.
How has your summer been going?
I've been enjoying the heat!
I've also been enjoying cooling off with ice cream. I think that my ice cream maker has been one of my best investments. Maple walnut crunch, blueberry, strawberry, cherry and chocolate peanut butter have been some of my favourite ice creams so far. I think my thighs would agree. For the first time (being pregnant not included) in my adult life I'm looking at either going up a pant size or working out a little harder (No I am not cutting back on the ice cream! :-))
The Garden of Vegan ( has also made it's return.
I'm finishing up a few fitness classes and Weight Loss Challenges for groups.
All of the things things have really been eating up time and though I love doing them all I realize I can't do everything I love to do 100%.  So, that being said I'm in the middle of juggling all these hats and seeing which ones are going to be shelved for a bit and which ones must go on.
Next month is September and I'll also be busy teaching a few cooking classes! I hope you can come out and join me for these they are bound to be tons of fun. You can register at 237-8130 or 667-6193. The classes are taking place at different parts of the city so register for the one closest to you. They will run for 5 weeks and include a shopping trip. Also, this hands on class will take you from appetizer, soups, entrees and desserts!
So it's been a busy life and now it's time to figure out if I have time to run out the door and join everyone at the vegan meet up taking place in less than a half hour.
Have a great day and a great summer and I hope to be back sooner rather than later!

Vegan Peace & Love,


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