Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Questions & Answers III

Q: I am having a hard time getting more fibre into my diet. How can I increase my intake?

A: You are not alone. I find a lot of people often overlook fibre in their diet and are uncertain of sources and how to increase. Also, many don't find most fibrous foods to be tasty. So here are a few suggestions:
1. Eat foods with higher sources of fibre to meet your requirements
2. Start your day with fiver. I would recommend oatmeal. If you find summer too hot to eat this for breakfast there are also many cold cereals that are high in fiber.
3. Toss fibre into a shake or smoothie to take on the go

Q: What do you think about hemp protein?
A:  Hemp protein is a great alkaline forming food to add to your diet! It contains all the amino acids and is easy to digest! It's also a complete protein with Omega 3 & 6 so I say go for it! It's a staple in my home.

Q: This isn't really a questions but I'll try to make it one to see if you will post a reply. I don't agree with you about plant protein. I think meat as a source of protein is superior and that you say plant protein is simply because you are vegetarian.So to make this a question other than saving the animals why would plant protein be better? (I do hope you will publish this one)

A: I know that less than 5% of Canadians are vegan so it's hard for the greater population raised on meat to believe that it isn't the best source of protein. That being said worldwide health experts are slowly starting to see the benefits of plant protein and are starting to recommend it as a source for a healthy diet. This even includes the World Health Organization (WHO).
With out giving reasons for the animals how about reasons for health? Often when people are diagnosed with cancer their doctor recommendations are to cut out meat (and dairy) and introduce other sources of protein (plant). Plant based proteins help prevent cancer, obesity, heart disease, diabetes and other illness.
I will send you some informative links privately as to many other reasons plant protein is superior. Thank you for making your opinion a question.

Q: How do I get on your list for phone consults? I'm not sure I understand how that works.

A: Hi! I was going to post more information on this tomorrow but I'll just post it here in reply to your question.
When the post comes out on August 1 all you need to do is send me an email with the title of the post (this way you can't send an email earlier than when it's posted to be one of the first five) and a few lines as to why you should get the free phone consultations. It's as simple as that.
Good luck!

Remember August 1st is the beginning of our fitness journey and blog entries will no longer be on a daily basis.

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